Floodplain Management
The Planning, Building and Zoning Department is the contact for all the flood information for the Town, including Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Elevation Certificates (ECs) and Flood Insurance Studies.
This office is also responsible for the Community Rating System (CRS) information. CRS is a voluntary program, which, based on activities performed by the community determines a discount from 5% to 40% on flood insurance rates. Currently, the Town of Surfside Beach is a CRS Class 7 and we receive a 15% discount on our local flood insurance premiums. The town engages in many activities that could lead to a lower CRS classification in the future.
The following information can be obtained from the Planning, Building and Zoning Department:
Flood Map Determinations and an explanation of your risk to flooding
Copies of Elevation Certificates (ECs)
Copies of Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)
Requirements for Construction in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) - Including the Town's Coastal "A" Zone
Substantial/Improvements Damage Determinations
Please contact the Director of Planning, Building and Zoning at 843-913-6341 for more information.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) hosts an excellent resource for the southeast's river forecast. By interacting with their map, you can check current and predicted water levels for many regions within Horry County.